Although considered an "interersting" featuree during the midterm, I find the sudden change of geometry as the program changes from office to residence (in red box) a little strange and interrupts the continuous flow of lines on the facade.
Similar to the alternating pattern found in many plants (agave, pine cones, flower, etc.), I first experimented with just a few floors and generated an iteration where the floor lifts up as the height increses and eventually becomes two floors.
Resulting geomoetry as the floor comeptely seperats into two floors in the Skyvilla levels
After a series of experiment with height ratio distribution, I liked the middle one with roughly 1.5 : 1 height ratio (top part : lower part)
(Left:old tower, Right: new tower)
(Left:new tower, Right:old tower)
Compares to the previous version, the new tower form curves in as it changes floor height creating a more slender look. However, I do understand why the critics liked the break in the old tower. As I am kind of torn inside, I was hoping if you could give me some idea. Thank you!
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